Monday 31 January 2011

31st January 2011

i love my jamie <3 so much its insane.
i love being around him even if he hit me in the face repetedly xD
i remeber lots off little things about him that i dont remeber about anything else :')
i love it that hes cute, sweet, kind and that we have lasted so long <3
i dislike it when he doubts himself doe :( saying i deserve better... well i dont care what i deserve, i love him =]
for our 4months he said he will take me to pizza hut cuz i nevahh been :)
valentines day he said hes getting me a millie's cookie cuz i nevahh had one :)
if he finds his old ipod he said hes going to give me it :)
he said hes going to download games to his ds and give me it :)
he said hes going to make a dream i have come true :)
he said hes going to keep me happy and nevah leave me :)
i love this guy so much i dont really need any off these things apart from the nevahh leaving me bit ^^

i miss him so much when hes not around, i just want him back :(
i may have his, top, jeans, pj bottoms, boxers and jumper... buh i just want him <3
he has helped me through some bad things in my life,  i can talk to him about everything. i can just walk up to him and cuddle hi, and he will just cuddle me back without asking 'why?' till im ready to tell.
its amazing how you can find the one you wanna be with forever ^^ its nice and scary at the same time but im sure if ive got him to hold my hand along the way il be fine <3
i know hes going to smile when he reads this ^^ and then il get a text saying how much he loves me and that i made him smile :')
tehe i love his texts <3
well im off baiiii <3

Tuesday 25 January 2011

25TH january 2011

sooo yeah no posts in ages ><
well i love my jamie soooo much <3 3 months last sunday <3 makes me so happy.
i know were gonna last a long long time.

well sunday night i had a minni breakdown =/ was crying for hours and i cut both my shoulders... they still really hurt ><

anyhooo i get to see mah jamie this weekend, then next weekend is mah friends party =] and then as valentimes day is on a school day im spending the weekend before and after with jamie <3<3<3

iloveyou <3

Saturday 15 January 2011

Saturday 15th January 2011

well i woke up with jamie <3
was meant to get the 10:30 bus but stayed in bed ^______^ got the 11.20 bus to hull.
was funnnn =] went to fruit and had funnn :D got raped by dean, stolen by dean, kidniped by aiden and hugged and kissed by jamie <3
headbanging+loud music+a random un-pitting related injury+chain smoking=a good time+a happeh abbeh xD
mah friend jack was nice enuff to give us some grass <3
got home to babysitt, sent mah brother to bed and made me and jamie a joint (cuz he's shit an dat) :)
hahaha, hmmmm i want a black&&green glittery unicorn ^^
<3<3<3 jamie <3<3<3

baiiii xxxxxxxxxxxxx<3

Thursday 13 January 2011

13th Thursday Jan 2011

hmmmmm well just had a go at some year 9's in the canteen!!!
chavs- 'look shes wearing hair extensions'
me- 'and you talk really loud'
chavs- at least were not fake'
me- 'no your worse, your chavs!!!!'
chavs- '.....' *walks off*
me- 'LOL!!!!'
xD im proud <3

well jamie made me cry last night :'( but then  he rand me and cheered me up ^^ i do love him lots and lots x1937836289393 :D ilovehim imensliyy <3<3<3<3<3 and if he leaves me i will cry alot and be like -dies- and then il just lock my-self in my room in the dark and just never leave.... im scared of the dark tooo ><

D: i miss him loads it makes me sad...... i just wanna be with him all the time, i love the fact we havnt had a proper argument at all and we just get on so well. eeeep i cant wait to fall asleep in his arms this weekend <3<3<3

baiii xxxx<3

Sunday 9 January 2011

Sunday 9th January 2011 jamie


he's a wave and she is breaking
he's a problem to solve
and in that circle he's making
I will always revolve

And on his sight
These eyes depend
Invisible and Indivisible

That fire you ignited
Good, bad and undecided
Burns when I stand beside it
Your light is ultraviolet

Visions so insane
Travel unraveling through my brain
Cold when I am denied it
Your light is ultraviolet

Now is a phase and it's changing
It's rotating us all
Thought we're safe but we're dangling
and it's too far to survive the fall

And this I know
It will not bend
Invisible and indivisible

That fire you ignited
Good, Bad and undecided
Burns when I stand beside it
Your light is ultraviolet

Visions so insane
Travel unraveling through my brain
Cold when I am denied it
Your light is ultraviolet,

That fire you ignited
Good, Bad and undecided
Burns when I stand beside it
Your light is ultraviolet

Visions so insane
Travel unraveling through my brain
Cold when I am denied it
Your light is ultraviolet,

Your light is ultraviolet

Visions so insane
Travel unraveling through my brain
Cold when I am denied it
Your light is ultraviolet

<3 sorry its just a song but shhh i love you so fucjing much.... acctually nah i dont im in love with you.

your so cute, attractive, amazing, the best thing in my life keeping me sane atm, for that i thank you <3 and im eternaly yours.

 my blog may not be as long as long as yours but idgaf okayyy!!

i love every moment with you, i just wanna keep it like that forever, i wanna be with you now till im old and further <3

anyhu baii xxxx<3

Thursday 6 January 2011

Thursday 6Th january 2011

welll im ill >< a throat virus, and its fucking painfull.
i miss my jimjam tho and that hurts more than the virus..... i want him back in my bed ;)
i mean i want him back hugging me ^__________^
hmmm im bored ta fuck and just  on facebook. might just go noaaaa, i know its not much but get over it.
baiii xxxxxxxxxxxx<3

Saturday 1 January 2011

saturday 1st january 2011

well its the new year :) -sarcastic haappy wave- ><
yay another year for more shit.... but i spend most off it with jamie so owell <3
went into the new year with jamie and ill -_-' >.> NOT jamies fault at all LOL JOKE my amazing botfriend made me extramly ill :D
hmmmm watched percy jackson and the lightning thief last night.... i got stressed that its COMPLETLY wrong!!!!! its nothing like the book, if their gonna make a film atleast get the important bits right i mean come on.
urgh dying... tehe im in triuble for getting my mommeh ill ^_^ oopsiee
(8) i dont break bones, just hearts (8)
yay amy can flyy -spazzy happy hand thing- <3 love them nearly as much as i love jamie <3
annyhuuu buhbaii xxxxxx<3