Monday 31 January 2011

31st January 2011

i love my jamie <3 so much its insane.
i love being around him even if he hit me in the face repetedly xD
i remeber lots off little things about him that i dont remeber about anything else :')
i love it that hes cute, sweet, kind and that we have lasted so long <3
i dislike it when he doubts himself doe :( saying i deserve better... well i dont care what i deserve, i love him =]
for our 4months he said he will take me to pizza hut cuz i nevahh been :)
valentines day he said hes getting me a millie's cookie cuz i nevahh had one :)
if he finds his old ipod he said hes going to give me it :)
he said hes going to download games to his ds and give me it :)
he said hes going to make a dream i have come true :)
he said hes going to keep me happy and nevah leave me :)
i love this guy so much i dont really need any off these things apart from the nevahh leaving me bit ^^

i miss him so much when hes not around, i just want him back :(
i may have his, top, jeans, pj bottoms, boxers and jumper... buh i just want him <3
he has helped me through some bad things in my life,  i can talk to him about everything. i can just walk up to him and cuddle hi, and he will just cuddle me back without asking 'why?' till im ready to tell.
its amazing how you can find the one you wanna be with forever ^^ its nice and scary at the same time but im sure if ive got him to hold my hand along the way il be fine <3
i know hes going to smile when he reads this ^^ and then il get a text saying how much he loves me and that i made him smile :')
tehe i love his texts <3
well im off baiiii <3

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